Parish Community, is growing! This year we have seen a strong increase in Mass Attendance, especially among the College Students. There has been greater participation at Mass and in the Liturgical Ministries. The number of Catholics renewing their commitment to actively live faith and the number of others being led by the Holy Spirit to our communion, continues to grow. A joy to many Mothers, Grandmothers, and wives... much of these increases are among men! A great sign of increased faith and practice, is the ever lengthening lines for confession! I suspect, we are going to have to schedule two priests on some days so that these and many more can be reconciled to God in this Sacrament.
The 'renewed' Parish Council and Finance Committee are stronger this year and are really 'hitting their stride' with visions and actions for the good of the parish community. Many of the other Parish Ministries are also becoming better organized and actively inviting others to join in their work. Speaking of joining in work... we do need 2 more members of the Finance Committee (preferably folks with financial, non-profit, development, business manager type experience)
Financially, the parish is in an stronger position. This is due to increased parishioner support in the Sunday Offering, a review of spending which resulted in stronger 'good stewardship' habits in every area of ministry and administration. As well, we have been blessed with donations by parishioners and friends of the parish, for projects such as the Church HVAC system and Catholic Gator Campus Ministry.
Maintenance, we are finishing the HVAC Project submission to the Diocese. After approval of the expenditure, we will contract with one of the 3 companies who submitted a work proposal, acquire permits, and begin the work. Our hope is that the project can be completed before the end of the 1st quarter of 2025.
Through generous donations we were also able to re-roof the Rectory as well as repair water damages, upgrade the plumbing for the Convent, bring the HVAC system in the Parish Hall to full functionality (now we have heat), add technology for presentations in both the Parish Hall and Hurley... and much more minor but necessary work.
The future, is looking good! The Holy Spirit is really moving in hearts and souls to desire more of God in their lives and in their parish community. During this Jubilee Year of Hope there is no doubt that we will see renewal and revival, new ministries, new groups, and so much more becoming possible because of our faithfulness.